Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sahara Desert Could Power the Planet

Example: Massive Solar Trough System, California Mojave & Kramer Junction, USA

Europe looks to Africa for its energy insurance policy

A fraction of the Sahara desert could provide enough solar electricity to power the planet. The problem has always been getting energy to where it's needed. Munich Re, a leading reinsurer, thinks this can now be solved.

It's one of the most ambitious green energy projects to date. It would harness the sun and space of the North African desert to power the kitchen appliances and factories of Europe.

The idea has been around for some time, but the German insurance giant Munich Re brought it one step closer to reality on Tuesday, announcing a meeting on July 13 in Munich to launch the so-called Desertec concept.

Up to 20 major German companies could take part in the project, including Deutsche Bank, the utility companies RWE and E.ON, and the engineering firm Siemens. Other German, Italian and Spanish companies are also on board, and have been invited to next month's meeting along with representative of the German government, the Arab League and the Club of Rome think tank.

Balance of Article: Deutsche Welle


GSniper said...

I believe Africa has a lot to offer to other continents. In a sense, it is good that other countries are learning about the important of Africa in our planet.

Dmitriy said...

А как насчет водородного топлива?Интересно было бы узнать альтернативу .

BobrDobr said...

А как насчет альтернативных источников ?

Richard Wottrich said...

Dear BobrDobr,

I agree that Hydrogen is probably an ultimate source of energy, but it is rather far away on the time line. Solar power is approaching parity with conventional energy sources now and large sale projects coupled with appropriate power grids could be useful.

Thank you for your comments.

Richard Wottrich